IB BLUMENAUER Pogledaj Mašinske komponente, Obrada metala, Dizalice, Mehaničke prese,
Proizvodi visoke toplotne izolacije
Elektronika za mašinsku kontrolu, roboti, dizalice, liftovi
Kablovi za brodove, rezervoarske sisteme, linije otporne na temperaturu
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Naš program

Dock buffer for ramps

Our featured product RAMPEX-PRO

Engineered and Manufactured in Germany

Due to the patented lamella construction, you get special benefits compared to pure rubber buffers:

Due to its unique design, the SGF dock buffer RAMPEX-PRO is perfectly suited for loading ramps with high loading frequency.

Thanks to its elastic contruction, trucks are docking softer to the loading ramps. This protects the trucks as well as the building structure.

During loading the goods onto the truck, the trailer moves up and down. The SGF dock buffer follows this movement vertically up to ± 50 mm, which avoids damage to the truck buffers. In case of bigger movements, the trailer slides easily along the steel plate.

The patented lamella construction between steel plates allows a significantly longer service life compared to conventional rubber buffers.

During loading the goods onto the truck, the trailer moves up and down. The SGF dock buffer follows this movement vertically up to ± 50 mm, which avoids damage to the truck buffers. In case of bigger movements, the trailer slides easily along the steel plate.

The patented lamella construction between steel plates allows a significantly longer service life compared to conventional rubber buffers.

IB Blumenauer je osnovan blizu Kasela 1984 sa glavnom namenom za distribuciju mašinskog alata i rezervnih delova za industriju obradu i proizvodnju metala. Prodajna područija su bila i i dalje su bivša Jugoslavija, ,države istočnog evropskog bloka, Egipat i Bliski Istok. I to je bio samo početak…

Kontakt za Srbiju

NSPT d.o.o. Zdravka Jovanovica 51 Beograd-Cukarica